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Old 2009-07-25, 17:06   Link #474
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Well... the initial shock and anger has worn off.

I think they really have gone too far.

But what came across most to me this episode was what an amazing opportunity they missed.

I remember I thought after the 1st episode, that doing this in 2 episodes would be really cool. Then after the 2nd episode that using 3 was genius. After the third episode, I thought that it was too much.. but looking back I could understand it as a way to generate "water cooler" talk. Word of mouth is the best possible publicity after all.

This is where they messed up. Lets assume for a second that they had decided that 8 episodes of Endless Eight was what they wanted to do.

Okay, how about arranging it like this:

Episode 1: Keep the way it is, straight play of summer days having fun

Episode 2: Keep the way it is, the dramatic reveal that they are stuck in time loop- HOW MANY TIMES!?!?

Episode 3: Use the 4th or 5th iteration (better animation than the 3rd): The "WTH?!" response to not being resolved

Episode 4: Use the 4th or 5th iteration (better animation than the 3rd): Response "No way- they can't be doing this again!!!" Rage and despair among the fan base.

Episode 5: Kyon X Nagato episode.

This is what I realized watching this episode through during Kyon's following of Yuki and asking her if she was okay. He paused, and didn't turn away- I thought: "Ah what's this? Is something different going to happen?". Now I'm not suggesting anything really happen between Nagato and Kyon- just Ship Tease the heck out of us. After Nagato says she's okay, have Kyon offer her a ride home on his bike. At the festival have Kyon insist on buying the mask for her. Maybe even have Yuki warn him against doing it and have Haruhi act a jealous (no free food for you Kyon!). Have Haruhi confront Kyon later (with the excuse that she needs to "protect" Yuki), and have him make up some excuse about Nagato being sad about something- maybe have Kyon say something stupid about how he prefers girls with long hair anyway- and then have Haruhi wear a ponytail to the next activity. By episode end, Haruhi and Kyon have gone back to status quo, and Kyon fails again to solve the loop.

Fan Reaction: Massive debate about something other than why the loop hasn't ended. "That's not in the novel!" "Who cares? The loop erases it, so it doesn't count anyway!"

Episode 6: Kyon x Mikuru episode: I don't know what kind of plot to follow here but basically do the same as last episode- ship tease the heck out of us. This will establish a pattern, building up to the anticipated Kyon X Haruhi episode.

Episode 7: Kyon x Haruhi: Will this finally end the loop? (They could still do this, and if they do it might actually salvage the Endless Eight arc.)

Spoiler for How I would handle a Kyon X Haruhi Endless Eight episode: 'Kyon's Test of Courage!':

Now wouldn't that be epic? Would that be worth it?
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