Thread: Dating
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Old 2009-07-26, 19:33   Link #1227
Love Yourself
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Northeast USA
Age: 38
Originally Posted by otakujohn View Post
I haven't had a relationship of any kind since 1998. I refuse to go through that crap again.
Sounds like you had a bad experience - sorry to hear that. It's understandable that you wouldn't want to put yourself into that type of vulnerable position again, and if you're perfectly happy as you are, then you really have no reason to bother. Otherwise, finding the right person (while difficult and a bit of a gamble each time) is really wonderful. I occasionally feel nostalgic for the days when I was single; when I could do things fully by my own schedule, and when being in my apartment meant that it was largely just me, my thoughts, my music, and occasional internet contacts. Things are certainly noisier with a significant other However, having someone that you can share everything with, someone that you can really count on - it's wonderful.

I'm really incredibly lucky... to have found someone who is so compatible with me, and more importantly, who shares the same goals and desires that I do. It's easy to take things like these for granted, but I try to remind myself often that it's really something not to be taken lightly. It'd be nice if everyone could find people that they match so well with.

Originally Posted by Lio View Post
The thing is, girls don't want to be your number one. They want your life to be your number one. Just be your usual friendly self going on with your own life, and hey, didn't that girl work at the same bakery last summer?
Depends on the girl. I think that most girls (stereotypical "party girls" at least) don't want to be the #1 thing in a guy's life. They might feel that the guy is being clingy or what have you. However, there are girls who want to be #1. They might not say it, but it hurts them and makes them feel not quite as special to not be #1. I like to think that they're the sensitive girls who want to give their all to a relationship, and somewhat expect that sentiment returned from their guy. Arguably these types of girls are more rare - or perhaps just not as vocal about their wants.

But ultimately we can't really make generalizations about groups of people. Read the individual and go by him/her, not the sort of stuff you'd read in a men's health magazine
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