Thread: Princess Lover
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Old 2009-08-04, 23:26   Link #1089
Kaoru Chujo
Yuuki Aoi
Join Date: Jul 2004
I don't think I really care which of the four ends up closest to Teppei, since I like them all, in their different ways. Even Seika, who is gradually healing from her hatred for the Arimas.

As long as we're not arguing, I think it's interesting to compare notes as to how we think the characters are feeling about each other. It's not "mind-reading" so much as trying to guess what the visual and verbal clues put in by the director and writer are supposed to mean.

What I see is Charlotte having happened on Teppei at the beginning and really liking him, without any idea who he was. She likes, admires, and is grateful to him, and wants to spend a day with him. But she knows her friend is his fiancee, so asks her permission and won't go too far. She and Teppei both like each other. I mean, who wouldn't? Both of them are pretty nice and quite good-looking.

Sylvie appears to have been cool toward the betrothal, and not expecting to like Teppei, but her fights with him are a way the two of them bond, and they like each other, too. She's not willing to stop her friend having a date with Teppei, but is surprised to find that it makes her feel uneasy. She will probably soon recognize her feelings for him. The fact that she is recognizing her feelings second, after Charlotte, makes me think it's a set-up to show she has a good chance of "winning," but I could be wrong. She does have a big advantage in that if no-one does anything to change things, they will be married someday.

Yuu is just a maid, and had no special feeling for Teppei at first, but from her glance in the social club building, I think the director may be indicating that she is developing some kind of romantic feeling for him, too. His move in the early episode to bring himself down to her social level by asking the maids not call him "master" should make her feel grateful to him, at least. And she is in a position to see his good qualities 24 hours a day.

When Seika first met him, she was just doing her job as the equivalent of the student council president when she criticized his tie. She's a kind of aristocrat, so was a bit haughty, but was fairly gracious to him after that, I thought. Then she found out he was an Arima and her justified hatred for his grandfather took over -- for a while, until Teppei's goodness and charm blunted it quite a bit. She has no notion that she is developing romantic feelings for him (which she probably is), but her attitude is at least a little bit positive now.

If Teppei has feelings for any of them -- at least feelings he recognizes -- I think it would be for Charlotte and Sylvie. It would make you feel some fellow-feeling for someone if you and they were betrothed, but you knew that you both felt fairly negative about the whole idea, in principle. And he and Sylvie share an interest in fencing/kendo, and bonded physically, in a way, with their duels. But Charlotte is heady stuff, about as feminine/female as a person gets. I can smell the pheromones from here, lol.

Anyway, I've probably missed something, but that's what I think I've seen so far.
YUUKI Aoi 悠木碧. b92.03.27 (age 29). 2008 Kurenai (Murasaki). 2009 Yumeiro Pâtissière (Ichigo), Kiruminzuu (Riko), Yutori-chan (Yutori-chan). 2010 Vampire Bund (Mina Tepeş), Shiki (Sunako), Samurai Girls (Juubee), Pokémon: Black and White (Iris). 2011 Madoka Magica (Madoka), Gosick (Victorique), A-Channel (Tooru). 2012 Symphogear (Hibiki). 2014 Pilot's Love Song (Claire/Nina), Nanatsu no Taizai (Diane). 2015 Owari no Seraph (Krul Tepes), Rokka no Yuusha (Fremy). 2016 Boku no Hero Academia (Tsuyu, Froppy). 2017 Kino no Tabi (Kino). 2021 Kumo desu ga (watashi), Kaizoku Oujo (Karin), Heike Monogatari (Biwa), etc., etc. Total of 513 roles in anime and games.
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