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Old 2009-08-07, 19:37   Link #6016
Aim's Stalker ^_~
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Australia
Age: 29
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Hi, I remember watching an anime a few years back and never actually knowing the name of it, and it's really bugging me!

The main character is a girl with long blondeish hair and looks maybe 12-14ish(but it's hard to tell since it's anime) Her dress is a purple-ish colour if I remember correctly...

At night, she turns into some kind of magical girl and steals stuff(?)

She has a guy friends with black/dark hair who goes to her school, and before she turns into a magical girl she sends him a message for some reason.

And I'm quite sure that her guy friend's dad is some kind of detective or a police officer?

And I'm quite sure that one of the girl's parents is a magician or something? Probably her dad, but I'm not sure.

I know it's a crappy description but please help! Thanks!
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