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Old 2009-08-13, 02:02   Link #8737
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: at GNR, bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts
Age: 39
i think that what morbo means (and i agree to some extent) is that suzaku's performance are strongly related to his self confidence and suffer considerably whenever he finds himself at a situation where he isnt the strongest.
he is used to being the strongest after getting the lancelot and is clearly shocked/surprised/worried whenever presented with an enemy that can fight him on equal terms or beat him
this extends not only to mecha combat, but also on foot (bismark)
he is used to being the best, to such an extent that he can stand in the middle of a battlefield in europe and declare "surrender or be destroyed" to a small army
and his confidence is such that he marks fellow KoR gino as "not good enough" to take kallen on despite being technologiclly overwhelmed himself in such a situation

granted, its not like pride is something most pilots arent guilty of (kallen tried to take the lancelot on with a one armed glassgo)
but most pilots in the show are used to fighting in older mass proudced machines, which focus more on skill then anything else
most are used to not being the strongest
suzaku has always been so far better then anyone else, that when faced with someone who can fight on his level, he starts suffering for it
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