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Old 2009-08-13, 12:55   Link #6
At the end of this world
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Hungary, Europe
Age: 39
Glad you see you liked it at least Relentless. It was certainly not my intention to bash it, so I apologize if it seemed that way. (I guess I'm just dieing to see those VNs adapted, which I'm really interested in, instead of Shukufuku for example.)
I agree that there is no real relation between the general ratings the VNs the japanese audience rates and the anime adaptation of the same game, but it is one mildly interesting thing to know IMO.
Well it went on sale quite early in 2009 (jan 30), so I would imagine that few games, which came out like April/May/June will be sold better than SnC.
I wonder if it is indeed going to be 12 episodes, if the story is that long (VNDB estimates it between 30-50 hours). Wouldn't that feel too rushed and/or incomplete in your opinion?
As for your impression it'd certainly nice to read it, as long as it's spoilerfree :P .
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