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Old 2009-08-14, 19:45   Link #51
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Shuffle! Visual Novel Released in English

Just thought I would let everyone know... It’s exactly what the title says. For any fans of the Shuffle! Anime/Manga this is the source material, fully translated in its original Visual Novel format. For anyone unfamiliar with Visual Novels they are a form of media that play like a game and read like a novel. Text runs across the screen with backgrounds, character sprites and music running behind it. It’s a format that conveys the detail of a written work while also adding more feeling and emotion in the form of pictures and music. I’ve played the game myself and enjoyed it a lot. If anyone’s interested you can buy the game at .

It's distributed through a short download that then runs on your PC. If you haven't tried a Visual Novel before this is a must. It became my favorite form of media after reading some great stuff like this. The shame is that these games rarely get translated so Please offer your support in hopes that more Visual Novel games may be translated in the future!
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