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Old 2009-08-15, 10:26   Link #312
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by manhualover85 View Post
in the LN novel2---> where she over used her kei (same in the anime), but there was no part where harley told layfon about nina's past (she's in the hospital).... about the E. fairy sacrifising herself to save nina... (i wonder if in the novel it would be mentioned...)

i wonder how nina can communicate with the E. fairies as i read it here...

this is really a good site for informations >_<
The anime modified a few things and Harley telling Layfon about the fairy's sacrifice isn't in the novels, or at least novel 2. The sacrifice did happen in Nina's past and is shown in volume 10.

As for why she can talk to fairies...I think it have something to do with the sacrifice. It might have made her part e-fairy so she share some of their abilities. But I might be wrong, one of the spin-off of CSR, for kids, have an human character that can talk to fairies called Ash. Maybe she's a descendant.
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