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Old 2009-08-18, 15:30   Link #1840
The unlucky one
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Hiding
What I'm interested in, and applying, is during the two days, Oct4-5. What happens before, is not of interest. All that matter is that there's a possibility that Shannon and Kanon are actually one of the same during the two days. Whether they are disgusing, people are delusional, they are shown fantasy elements, or mutliple personality. Mistook someone's appearance, isn't a violation of rule#10. Just as Kinzo is "alive" isn't a violation of rule #10 (in ep1). Kanon or Shannon doesn't have to be dead. One of them just have to NOT show up (dead, didn't show up to work, didn't exist in the first place), during the two days.
This something I thought for a long time. What if for example Shannon has fallen sick on the 4th-5th but because Natsuhi insists that all three servants with the golden wing are present, they decide to impersonate the other one.

Maybe the "In-your-face-they-appear-at-the-same-time" is the trap
Thanks for the Signature, Vandakiara
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