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Old 2009-08-24, 23:21   Link #18
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Originally Posted by 4Tran View Post
I've still got quite a ways to go before finishing the Mobile Suit Gundam OVAs, but I feel that it's only natural that they would turn out better than the TV series. There's so much excess in the original (White Base needs salt!), that trimming it can only help produce a tighter story.

On a slightly different note, it quite surprising that, given that 30 years have passed, Mobile Suit Gundam is still the show that has perhaps the tightest plot of any of the longer works. Even though much of it is episodic (and quite a bit moreso than many of its successors), the story that's woven still hangs together quite well. And in fact, they are generally told better than the later attempts to tell those same stories (I'm looking at you, MS IGLOO).

On the other hand, I didn't find all that many interesting characters in Mobile Suit Gundam. Other than the characters that only have 1-5 episode exposures, the only one who did much for me was Kai Shiden. His character had actual flavor, and his character arc was both believable and uplifting. That's more than can really be said of both Amuro and Char, the supposedly "great" characters of the show. Oh well, at least they're good in Zeta.
Wow, I feel exactly the opposite. I don't think the plot is all that great (kind of hard to criticize, though, since the show was the first of its kind) but the show still has one of the best--if not the best--cast of characters of any Gundam anime. Just the way the characters interact with one another feels very real. Zeta on the other hand, while still a great show, I always thought felt kind of forced in its character relationships.
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