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Old 2004-07-13, 22:46   Link #5
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Well they might do a MOVIE or a 6 episode ecchi OAV to keep fans HAPPY

Originally Posted by DarkCntry
I could easily say no, but I think I'm going to take the optimistic route here...

There *could* be a sequel to Da Capo considering the nature and popularity of the game, it's still pretty low on the hope scale though. There are several animes out there that NEED a sequel (Hand Maid May for example) but have yet to get one. There are also animes out there that could easily be finished with a small OVA attachment (Ai Yori Aoshi for example), but they also haven't been given any thought.

So yea, there could be one, but actually having one come out is something that is highly doubtful.
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