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Old 2009-09-02, 10:55   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 556 (manga)

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Okay, time to get this party started:

-Nami's ministory concludes this chapter. It seems to involve the old weather guy showing her some special type of rain cloud.....

-The chapter starts off with showing the gravely injured Oars. Meanwhile, Akainu kills off all the marines who succumbed to their fear of the war and tried to run away.....

-Whitebeard's forces rush forward on the path that Oars cleared for them, and a female pirate named "Ice Witch Whitey Bay" clears another path for the pirates by breaking the waves that were frozen by Aokiji. However, despite the fact that the pirates are getting closer to Ace, Sengoku isn't phazed. He orders for the execution to proceed on schedule. He seems to have some sort of plan. Garp, who's nearby, seems to be a bit emotional and has an argument with his superior. Whitebeard notes that Sengoku is quite a resourceful person......

-Meanwhile, Whitebeard's 13th division commander, "Water Buffalo Atomos", is under Doflamingo's control and is forced to attack his own crewmates. As this is going on, Luffy's group ends up landing in Marineford...... via Death Wink. Naturally, Ace is shocked......

So Luffy's group finally reappears! Heh, leave it to Ivankov to provide a flashy entrance for the group (and an even bigger LOL at the fact that it was Luffy's idea to begin with)! Speaking of flashy, I can't wait to see what hijinks Buggy will get into now that he's in closer proximity to Whitebeard......

It's also awesome (yet horrible att he same time) to see that Akainu is still upholding his "absolute justice" doctrine, even in this great event. It also looksl ike Tsuru is capable of kicking ass too, since she literally washed and dried a group of pirates like laundry (a DF power, perhaps?). I'm also assuming that Whitey Bay (who's probably a NW captain) will take on Hancock.....

.....Y'know, I actually think that I'm actually more interested in Tsuru's power than Luffy's reappearance right now.

Edit: By the way, it seems that there's a scene where that giant VA with the iron mask attacks Whitebeard with an axe. However, Newgate catches and crushes it, slams the giant on the ground, and uses his gura gura powers to knock him out. Now that's badass......

There's also a particularly noteworthy line from Doflamingo this chapter. I'll just quote aohige and let this speak for itself:

DoFlamingo: The pirates are the evil? Marines are the Justice?
Such things have always been changed through the history....
The values held by kids who don't know peace, and values held by kids who don't know real war... are different!!
The one to rise to the top is what decides the good and evil!! This place right here, is that borderline!!
"Justice prevails"? Of course it does!
Because the winner is the only Justice!!

Last edited by marvelB; 2009-09-02 at 17:50.
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