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Old 2009-09-09, 01:19   Link #97
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Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
My adult body is pretty different from my toddler one, and I have no memory of that time either. It doesn't mean I was never a toddler.

I suppose it's possible she could have been born a normal wolf pup, become a normal wolf alpha, evolved into an infant god - leaving her normal wolf pack at the same time - and only then started acquiring memories as we think of them.
Yes, but then she does have no relation to them - just like you do not consider toads or cicadas to be part of or family.

Heck if we follow Buddhism we can say that neither of us are virgins, simply because we lived our previous lives as animal or something else and most likely mated and now all we do are rolling in this eternal samsara's cycle.

But offspring do not exist simply because we are essentially different beings. Just like god-wolf is different from wolf, thus talking about offspring in previous life is pointless as you changed your level of existence completely.

So in this sense you are a virgin in both mind state (no memories) and physical (no experience in this form) sense... And talks about offspring in previous life become senseless.
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