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Old 2009-09-14, 11:58   Link #6080
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: at GNR, bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts
Age: 39
Originally Posted by Revolutionist View Post
Ah I see, technological advantage only exists when it supports the point you're trying to make. When it doesn't you disregard it completely. Unfortunately you do both things at once in your post, so it's not like you're contradicting yourself later on, you're actually contradicting yourself in the same sort-of paragraph.

Kallen had the wide area radiation wave which disabled Gino and Anya's units, clearly a gimmick/tech advatange. How is using a gimmick to disable two rounds the same as curb stomping them?
she does two flybys with them
once with gino who fires uses his rocket harkens and machine gun and once with anya who uses her hadron canon (remember what lelouch could do with the gawain)
both miss her completely (and anya gets stepped on)
and then she uses one of HER weapons to disable them

and bam, two of britannia's greatest pilots out of the fight in seconds
thats a curb stomp

what did you mean about the tech advantage only counting when it supports my point ?
you cant compare the difference between the guren and tristan to the one between the tristan and a panzer hammel
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