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Old 2009-09-15, 16:48   Link #177
Join Date: Jan 2009
Age: 32
I try to avoid reposts but no guarantees this time. ^^;;

For the comic... uhm... there's a lot of unfamiliar Kanji in there... at this rate I'll never learn anything but... so lazy... >>;;

It's something to do with Hachikuji saying what if Araragi-san was the main character in an eroge? And about how the characters have to be 18+ or something, and I guess what it amounts to is she's saying she couldn't be part of his harem 'cause she's just a grade schooler but Araragi's like, don't worry Hachikuji, in eroge it's possible for there to be an 18 year old grade schooler, to which Hachikuji is like, lolwut, and Araragi's like, well I wouldn't want a Hachikuji end anyway, and Hachikuji's like, what's up with that line, and Araragi's like, well I've already captured the most difficult character.

And yes, half that paragraph was guesswork.

In the meantime!
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Spoiler for If anyone cares...:

Last edited by Raiga; 2009-09-16 at 23:00.
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