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Old 2009-09-22, 00:12   Link #1913
Join Date: Jan 2008
Originally Posted by Zwei View Post
I don't really get why people keep bringing up this "dream sequence", it was obviously made to mislead people, which happened alot here. Reiji could have chosen to NOT hit a vital point if he wanted to, but for some reason he really set his mind on killing Cal(I found this pretty stupid).

I don't get why Cal opened her eyes and faced reality just as she was about to die and not before, that I will never understand. Too much pride, maybe?
Why not? It is a major scene in a major event. Elaborate please on how it's obviously designed to mislead people though. Nothing about the way Reiji handled himself around Cal made much sense btw. It's like... the writer wanted to please the Ellen fans by getting her out of the way for a Reiji/Ellen end, yet also wanted to placate the Cal fans by leaving her ambiguous (as in... not definitively a lost cause beyond help, since Reiji didn't even really try) and settled for knocking his IQ down by a few dozen points whenever Cal's around as a result.

Oh wait... actually, there's a perfectly logical explanation for this. As the end of episode 20 showed us in such loving detail, whenever Cal's around, Reiji's just too... busy ogling her chest to form much coherent thought. Also explains how Claudia played him so easily in the past. Same phenomenon. In other words, in Phantom Requiem, having a big bust... kills.

On Cal finally opening her eyes just as she was about to die? He won. She was dying. He no longer had a reason to fear her or lie to her. Yet he was tenderly holding her in his arms and crying. So I guess that was enough to convince her that she was loved? If that's all it takes though, how hard could persuading her without killing her really be? "Sigh," again, since Reiji never, you know, really tried, we'll never know.
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