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Old 2009-09-22, 11:49   Link #203
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by Reekon View Post
After a few times of re-watching it, I finally understood it.

Notice that he was just trying to touch/fix her hair/bangs, and she suddenly moves away.

And then he touches/lifts her skirt and she doesn't do anything.

The next screen shows cars, but the text shows something like "You're defending the wrong things." (I left the episode at the other computer, so I can't confirm the actual words.) This screen is before Araragi asks himself the question of judging as a man.

So my understanding is:

- Araragi at first just wanted to fix her hair or pat her head but was surprised that she moved away.
- So maybe as a test, he just touched (well lifted actually) her skirt, but now he was again surprised since this time she didn't do anything.
- Thus the text that read "Why are you defending the wrong things?".

Based on Nadeko's reactions, it's like she doesn't want her hair/head to be touched/patted, since she doesn't want to be treated like a little girl. And she allows her skirt to be lifted to show sexual ease and maturity, again treating the person in front of her as a "man" instead of just a caring older brother.

Damn, not good with explaining stuff.

But I hope you get what I mean.
Seems like a good explanation. The thing I'm confused with is how he's like "When I do it with you, it feels like your judging me as a man"
The thing is, most times in anime, when say a female is naked or partially unclothed in front of a guy, and she doesn't react much to it, the guy goes like "She doesn't see me as a man does she"

oh, how about when Nadeko spaz out and runs off when Hanakawa shows up. is this because she's still a very shy person?

EDIT: hm, maybe the 'it' refers to the hair thing, and not the skirt thing..
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