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Old 2009-09-28, 13:19   Link #245
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by cheese4u View Post
Sorry, still don't see the big difference. I understand what you guys are saying, but based on what we've seen out of Blackbeard, what do you think he's going to do when he captures you with that ability, he's going to hit you with some kind of physical attack. Which is essentially the same thing as what a person with haki would do. It's not like a dragon that shoots exploding marshmallows is going to come out and devour his opponent for an instant kill, he's just going to do the same thing a person with haki would do, only easier. Yes, I understand that if you absorb their abilities they won't be able to counterattack, but that's only provided that he captures you first. Ace understood after the first time he got caught that as long as he doesn't get caught again it can't hurt him, and from that moment forward Blackbeard had a great amount of difficulty catching him (and yes, I do realize we didn't see the entire fight).

Sure one is more convenient than the other but the end result is the same, so are they really that different IMO, no.
What trouble? Blackbeard got Ace the second time aswell; sure he got hurt in the process, but he still did give Ace one hell of a hit... avoiding blackbeard is difficult as he can pull you in as NOTHING can escape the pull of gravity... the ONLY thing you can do is hit him first, and unless that hit is good enough to really throw him for a loop, he's still gonna get in one damn good hit

Long range fighters have a chance at this, but close range fighters will find it impossible to escape his attacks
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