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Old 2009-09-30, 07:29   Link #12
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals

5) Wataru - any character that has a harem composed mostly of his childhood friends always gets a thumbs up in my book (Yuiichi from Kanon being the only other one from memory). I suppose you could also put those girls under him, though personally, Nagi still comes out on top in comparison to all the others.

4) Hinagiku - was a tossup between her and Maria...

3) Maria - ...but Maria's trip back to school was just made of epic win. Plus the fact that she has less focus when compared to Hina.

2) Hayate - still living by the words taught to him by his childhood ex-girlfriend? Two thumbs up, especially when if you really look at it, they're pretty much chivalrous (if a bit outdated) ways of thinking.

1) A-tan - Consider her above Miki as of this writing.
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