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Old 2009-10-01, 14:48   Link #2288
Knowledge is the solution
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: St. Louis, MO
Age: 39
If we're evidently the only ones who think about religion, isn't that enough proof that it is(absolutely) only for us?
No, and your sense of logic spooks me to no end. Just because if there was a God that cares about humans then a human religion that speaks about him would exist, does not mean that because there is a human religion that speaks about him then a God that cares about humans exists. Check your logic class notebooks, please.

So you don't want to accept this "nature" because you feel its important to not accept it and thus, we have to change? This seems a bit less realistic. You want to change approximately 6.9 billion people? Does that view hold THAT much importance?
I'm not saying that humanity should change because of my individual preferences. What i'm implying is that humanity is a race that historically has gone against what nature has disposed for us as out species. (diseases, genetic syndromes, against medicine, to put the most common example in). Then, justifying something just by saying is the natural order of things (beyond indicating some predisposition we might have toward certain behaviors, or explaining the rationale for some conducts) is nothing short of hypocrisy, from my POV.

Last edited by Proto; 2009-10-01 at 15:02.
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