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Old 2009-10-02, 12:11   Link #266
Keep Pounding and Destroy
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: The Seminole State
Age: 36
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Originally Posted by Keroko View Post
Heh, I'm more of an anti-anti-Otome myself.

Well, that, and as a writer I find blind statements saying 'the should make a HiME sequel' without thinking through how hard it is to make a sequel to a closed story come off as believable slightly irksome. Not enough for me to comment on, but when it's followed by 'instead of [insert derogatory comment] Otome' I get irked enough to start poking holes in peoples bubbles.

I mean, I'm all for a HiME sequel, but I want a believable one. Simply reviving the HiME star and giving them back their powers so they can fight enemy X sounds ridiculous. The story of Mai and the HiME is closed, they've lost their powers and are living a happy life. No need to drill a hole in that when we have many more plotlines that can be addressed.

Of course, the downside about this is that it would feature only a few of the HiME cast at most, which would probably not satisfy a lot of the fans.
Closed Story, Closed Story! *facepalm* How many times you watched Mai HiME, matter of fact it doesn't matter. Really this show had alot of plotholes on what this is about, I'm hope you understand this and don't take this seriously man. This was no closed story, it was open for anyone to know and I think this series is the beginning and I don't Mai's and gang don't get too easily after that defeated I'm sure someone or anyone would face off against them, even though the odds stacked up against them. For Mai sake her story until there's a true closer ending from and it's not the first series and I'm sure Sunrise would understand this.

Last edited by Highman; 2009-10-02 at 14:54.
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