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Old 2009-10-07, 16:44   Link #280
Keep Pounding and Destroy
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: The Seminole State
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Originally Posted by MidoriHiME View Post
Personally, and I saw this mentioned before in this thread, but I think what would be the coolest and most reasonable thing they could do with the HiME-verse would be to make a prequel. I think the series felt pretty closed, so a sequel seems pointless, but I'd like to see the prior carnival played out.
Absolutely they should have made a prequel but that would be part in the HiME trilogy saga and I believe that they are alot of stories are yet to be done in Fuuka, believe that some things are yet be done including more evil and I think HiME were supposed to protect the world instead fighting each other and yet their powers are bloodlined to passing down women to women and I think their parents have it as well. But don't take this seriously about it. Already I can exploit it more on this but Mai HiME has one of those great potential to be successful, If not Mai Otome wouldn't started from the beginning. Yeah I'm talking to you Obara and those creators who don't have good creating talent writing. But I'm sure they'll chage their minds and focus on what is a gold mine and that is Mai HiME.
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