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Old 2009-10-09, 18:41   Link #1147
Ermes Marana
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
The sad thing is I actually hate Medaka less than most of the other characters. The stuff about her effect on normal people might have had potential, except for one problem...

What normal people? Money-worshippers, super-lapdogs, punishment-freaks, every character in the manga comes across as a ridiculous headcase parody. There are no believable characters to be found, just nonsense characters. Medaka somehow makes more sense than most of them.

Speaking of parody, I'm pretty sure this manga has devolved into a parody of battle manga now. The author was angry nobody liked it so he decided to go on the attack.

Medaka performing superhuman feats "because she decided to try hard" is a pretty obvious jab at battle manga.

Unzen... well, even creating a character that terrible should be considered an attack on the readers.
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