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Old 2009-10-16, 14:07   Link #5
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Originally Posted by Telmah View Post
I personally believe the state should stop legislating marriage in general--and in fact remove itself from the entire institution (ie No tax credits for marriage). Leave marriage as a strictly religious union. Follow a seperation of church and state ideal more than they do. All the difficulties with gay marriage tend to disappear then.
idk about the US but it is possible in my country for people to get married religiously only and remain separated legally (although only under special circumstances), so that's not really important.

Civil rights are defined as a class of rights and freedoms that protect individuals from unwarranted government action and ensure one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state without discrimination or repression. What is unwarrented government action is also debatable because each government is different between different countries. Heck, each state in the US has its own system independent of another.

Imho, if people want to get married, they can, although there has to be a limit. Otherwise, you'll have 50 year olds marrying 10 year olds, which is just wrong for obvious reasons. However, like james said, homosexual couples should be granted equal rights as hoterosexual couples. By the end of the day, it's their decision and they are just as human as anyone walking on the same land as everyone else, capable of the same feelings as anyone else. Their rights shouldn't be reduced because of their tendencies.
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