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Old 2009-10-16, 21:56   Link #14
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Originally Posted by Nogitsune View Post
Actually, there are people who are both homosexual and Christian. Prohibiting them from marrying in church seems wrong to me. If people want to take the bible literally on this issue, I can't help but wonder how they can say they accept homosexuals.
Hm... and isn't the word "gay" also used for homosexuals in general? Not typically, but still more and more often?
Hence I said, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a branch that disregards that aspect of it as a sin.
Christianity alike Islam is a group and inside are many divisions that differ some. It wouldn't only be a bible issue but the feelings of the mass in what aspect it's interpreted, so on my end, nuh uh.
And it's not as simple as someone pointing a finger and going
"Naughty, naughty, you mustn't be gay now."
Digs way deeper than that, but to put it simply, it's celebrating and embracing the differences between a man and a woman, physically, emotionally and mentally who work to become as one.
But that's a seperate issue I'd need to chat over with some tea of something with a Christian homosexual, prob in a similar sense with chats I have with other branches of Christianity were we don't see eye-to-eye.

However on a legal note, which is what I beleive Americans are fighting for at present and what is meant by 'civil' rights, then sure. But after what went down in California with revoking the law, that felt like a massive slap in the face. The country is just too divided on a 50/50 note (be it elections, race, abortion, etc) in a world where 50/50 rarely applies.
The challenge is probably more with the 320 million odd society wise, than the White House lot, imo.

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