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Old 2009-10-17, 04:42   Link #1
cho~ kakkoii
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: 3rd Planet
Post Your Spoilers, Speculation, News, etc.... for Darker Than Black

The purpose of this thread is to gather all the spoilerific news that may shed light on future episode content from the official site, their blog, or the ongoing manga, or any speculation based on an episode content such as the body Mao is in from the end credit in episode 2.... ...or any other source for that matter. That way the knowledgeable and the shrewd won't have to suffer from potential explosion they are so vulnerable to for keeping those juicy news all to themselves for too long.

Warning: If you are an Anime-Only viewer who values the idea ignorance is a bliss, then STAY THE HECK AWAY FROM THIS THREAD!

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