Thread: Dating
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Old 2009-10-19, 20:18   Link #1982
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: ~Bleh~
Originally Posted by Shiemi View Post
My best friend is teaching me how to knit and she insists that guys love hand knitted stuff, like a scarf for example? Of course she watches a lot of anime (probably more than I do ) So... err... Is this true? Is a hand knit... scarf... a nice gift when in a relationship? Of course, in the case of living somewhere where winter exists.
I don't know about most other guys, but me personally, I would love somthing like that. Though I am a pretty sentimental guy. But like RadiantBeam said, it would show she really cares and make me feel special.

So...I think I lost my girlfriend or atleast for awhile.
Somthing happened a few months ago that really, really upset her, and broke her trust towards me for awhile. I thought she kinda got over it, since we have been still together since then, and happy for the most part. But today she said she needed to tell me somthing after her class, and she told me that it still upsets her, that she can't stop thinking about it, and when she does think about it, she feels like she pushes me further and further away from her, and she doesn't want that cause she does want to be with me. She thinks the problem is, is that she forgave me too soon before she was ready too(The next night). So she said she doesn't think she can be with me till she gets over this and it stops hurting her so much...

Not really sure what I'm asking. I guess I'm wondering if I should try not to talk to her as much until she gets over it? I'm pretty mopy and sad, so I don't want to upset her any more than I have too by talking to her when she's trying to get over this...I just don't know what to do. She's been the one texting me, asking if I'm ok, which I'm not but still...I just don't know what to do or think.
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