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Old 2009-10-20, 04:18   Link #11
cho~ kakkoii
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Originally Posted by Kagekyuubi View Post
As for speculation, I'd have to say that Suou is dead all along and is actually a replacement made by Shion when the comet crashed on them since we don't hear their dad call out to her and that we see an observer spirit from Shion's POV. That being said, I'm predicting Suou dies, Misaki gets some time with Hei but gets her memory erased and Hei leaves to do whatever he's been doing all this time. Hopefully they'll animate Hei using his powers at their full capacity.
That is a very interesting theory. It helps evaluate the death of Suou's father if he is indeed killed by someone else other than Suou, most likely by Shion himself.
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