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Old 2009-10-21, 05:55   Link #90
blinded by blood
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Oakland, CA
Age: 40
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If it's not a sandbox I'm not interested, I'll stick to single player RPGs that don't have monthly fees and don't beat my favorite classes with the nerf bat every patch.

The whole concept of a persistent world that doesn't reset every time you close the game is just totally wasted by all of this instancing, phasing, respawning and resulting in a Perpetually Static World.

No thanks, if I blow up a building I want that building to stay blow'd up until someone fixes it!

Edit: "deep and engaging story" and "massively multiplayer online RPG" in the same sentence really sounds ridiculous... especially considering this is Bioware we're talking about, who writes moral dilemmas in such a hamfisted politically-aware manner that it's almost comical. (Maybe it's intended to be?)

Seriously KOTOR1 could be summed up as: if you want to play Light Side, act like a Democrat, if you want to play Dark Side act like a Republican.
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