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Old 2009-10-21, 12:53   Link #361
Join Date: Jul 2009
Originally Posted by TCman View Post
Just watched the subbed episode 3. This episode is quite well adapted from the manga, but the joke of "staring in Sawako's eyes" curse which results in diarrhea does not come over very well; this happened to Pin, the substitute teacher, who has a quite competitive spirit/atitude towards the original class teacher Zen who only can stare in Sawako's eyes in several seconds before having diahrrhea, while Pin can do that, well for 10 seconds and nothing happens; Pin brags about that, but nobody understand what and why he does that, but after awhile Pin also got diahrrea too; this is super funny in the manga. People who does not read the manga would not understand the joke at first or immediately, I think. Although I thought it was explained about Zen's fear of him staring in Sawako's eyes and its consequences in earlier episodes.

The passing of Kazehaya's class note by Sawako to Ryuu is super funny! Ha, Ha, "Mushi" (insect/bug)!!! and "it was hot today!"!!!, that is really funny of you, Kazehaya-kun. Sawako, that class note was meant for you, you silly! Sawako sometimes can be so dense and cute at the same time.

And someone is jealous, but the question is who. Everyone with sharp eyes should already know who, I think (i.e. by watching the anime without reading the manga).

I really look forward to the next episode!


As for the anime ruining the manga, I don't think this is happening at all. The anime adaptation is very well done (apart from the "Pin staring in Sawako's eyes curse" joke; although it's still somewhat okay if you have read the manga or remember the clues that are in earlier episodes), everything fits, from the choices of voice-actors for every characters to background panorama/settings and background music, they are all very well chosen in my opinion. Noto Mamiko does a great job bringing the innocent and sometimes silly Sawako from the manga to the anime adaptation by her excellent voice-acting. As for the director who directs this anime series, is Kasai Kenichi. He has directed the anime of Nodame Cantabile, Honey & Clover, Aoi Hana, which are very good anime series (among the best you can almost say); this is not my own opinion alone, but also the opinions of many, many people.
It just occurred to me that people should not have to have read the manga to get the joke.

In other words, the show should stand on its own,

A Stand Alone Complex, if you will.

Manga references for the enjoyment of the anime is rather redundant.

How do animes that have no manga/light novels deliver their jokes ?

Just a thought.

Last edited by Zetsubo; 2009-10-21 at 13:19.
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