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Old 2009-10-21, 20:30   Link #376
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
I personally try and keep my impressions of differenct media of the same piece of fiction different. This is because I know different media delivers the same story in different ways, and expecting a 1:1 adaptation would always result in failure. I try to treat them as if I have no knowledge of any source material, which to be fair is hard to do sometimes, but I find its way worth it to keep my enjoyment to the maximum.

Of course, can't say anything about such a thing about Kimi ni Todoke in the first place, since I don't read the manga.

Originally Posted by Fishman View Post
My favourite shoujo, except sawako improving right away(from being anti-social to not so much) seems to be too exaggerated, for an anti-social person to address the class openly like that seems to be too extreme of improvement.
Oh Sawako is not anti-social. In fact, she's the exact opposite of anti-social... she WANTS to socialize with her friends, its just her reputation precedes her. Her nickname (which even Yoshida and co uses) doesn't help either. So when she actually succeeds, she gets all happy and all. I certainly buy it.

Now if you want anti-social, look at Ryuu. He does not talk nor does he care that people talk to him. THAT is anti-social.

Dunno what that had anything to do with shipping though, which is all I was doing in the post you quoted... (YoshidaXRyuu FTW!!!!)
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