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Old 2009-10-27, 02:29   Link #917
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Hyrule
Age: 51
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
Very true. I remember Tanigawa talking about how he intentionally writes characters that are emotionally immature because the story almost drives itself that way. Or something like that.
I don't think it's so much that as he just writes Kyon like a normal guy. Hate to break it to all the ladies out there (both of you) but most the time a guy's internal monologue really is along the lines of "This tea tastes good, damn Mikuru's hot, homophobic overreaction to Itsuki, snark, pop culture reference, repeat as necessary." Not really all that difficult to read. It's more his reactions to specific events (which even then are usually some kind of variation on the items above) that drive his involvement in the story.

Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
Speaking of which...

Alternate universe stories are a haven for authors who want to change a lot of the plot and character interactions but don't really want to change the plot and character interactions.

Beta is going to lead to a horribly Bad End and it's going to be glorious.
I know to what you are referring, and I think I've created a monster... I've also decided over the last couple of weeks that the best part (should my old Volume 10 prediction actually be correct as written, of course) will be afterwards, when the massive fansquee from the HaruKyon shippers turns to rivers of emo tears when they realize not only that their magical moment will have effectively never happened, but it may never happen in the future. ^_^

I can just see Tanigawa surfing an anime forum, waving his hands about and yelling, "Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaa...! Dance! Dance, my puppets!"
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