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Old 2009-11-05, 02:14   Link #2474
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
has anyone tried this?
"Mind control games like Mindflex are poised to be a big seller this holiday season, but is it really worth spending $80 on? It gives me a headache just thinking about it. .."

It works. Granted, it takes a little practice to master but, clearly, the Mindflex game does read and respond to your brainwaves/concentration level. I was able to alter the fan speed to raise and lower the tiny foam ball at will, although there were times when the accuracy or response time was less than stellar.

Occasionally, I would relax and clear my mind only to find the LED concentration indicator (and the ball) rise to its highest level. There were also times when I would be concentrating hard, but nothing would happen. Maybe it's the game, maybe it's my awesomely complex brain—who knows.
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