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Old 2009-11-07, 17:04   Link #33
Emotionless White Face
Join Date: Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Yoko Takeo View Post
The question is, why make something illegal if there's no penalty for it? Sure, government and police forces alike can advertise awareness along with companies and studios and what not to let people know that people make a living off the things you take for free. But to be very technical about the word, when something is illegal, it shouldn't be permitted for people to make use of it or act in a certain way, what have you. Yet no punishment is associated with something that's "illegal." How is it illegal when there's no penalty? That's why I'm questioning this particular law and its usefulness. Sure, they can make all the effort they want to spread awareness. I'm just not exactly sure this is the right way to do it.
I still prefer that than Hadopi-1!!! and my last solution is, as I said, not possible given the number of people who dowload.

While you see something ridiculous, I still see something honest for once. They can't penalize all the downloaders, they don't have the means for it. And penalizing 1 or 2 guys every month to show that they can penalize too would just be even more ridiculous.

Downloading shouldn't be a crime. Nobody can stop anyone from downloading because there are numerous times where people download things without even knowing it. Take the sentence "downloading illegal content." Why should it be illegal? Because the content is illegal. No doubts about that. But how can you truly stop people from downloading illegal content? There's only one way to do it: stop people from creating illegal content.
I have one way but you'll see me as a dictator

Spoiler for not pretty solution, read it at your own risks:

More seriously, then legal and illegal contents should be definied clearly. But my point still remains. At least in France. The company has to press charges for using their stuffs. Since Nintendo doesn't care for using their logo, then nothing happens. It's different when people download their games.
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