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Old 2009-11-08, 18:09   Link #95
Natural Born Killer
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Roanapur
Age: 32
As for the whole Yin part I'm not really sure since we know almost nothing. She was alive and well after that whole Tokyo incident so it will probably be covered in the OVAs. Also it's possible that she's in that box but that would sort of ruin the anime. You have to consider that right now we see Suou develop as a contractor and deal with Hei. If Yin is back again this could go in 2 or 3 ways.

First Yin is dead Hei continues with his drinking but now there's not really a reason for him to do anything since it seems what's driving him forward this season has something to do with her.
Really, we still don't know what caused Hei to become what he is now except the particular flashback we get to see. The whole "Yin" thing is just a fandom thing, I have never considered Yin to be truly significant the the plot, I think it's just fans of her wanting more of her.

Second she's alive and we get the YinxHei relationship back.That's all nice and well but Suou doesn't fit in there and she seems likethe main character this time around. Either way it would be really wierd if they do it now. Or maybe the agency will manage to secure the box and Hei will just see that Yin is in there. That however won't explain why he didn't escape with her before the reached th port.

I don't know what relationship are we suppose to get back as I have never considered Yin as a love interest for Hei, heck, I have never considered anyone seriously as a possible love interest for Hei seeing as this isn't really a romance anime and that type of setting wouldn't really fit here. However, as a contractor and a doll type of relationship and forming a particular bond especially when they were fugitives from the agency, that I can see but no romantic interest whatsoever here.

I'm really liking Suou's character at this point and I'm also liking her relationship with Hei. I think at this point, she'll become really attached to Hei, forming a sort of master-apprentice bond and she will eventually come to consider Hei as some sort of mentor for her. I can also think of two possible reasons why July is following Hei.

1. He wants to take revenge on April and possibly wants to kill Hei, I guess he's really good at concealing his feelings, not surprising since he's suppose to be a doll.

b. He was oredered to spy on Hei by the agency that assigned April to take Shion.
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