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Old 2009-11-09, 13:03   Link #1511
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Originally Posted by Kurosu View Post

I feel like I'm repeating myself, but you act like the uber overpowered (by description at least) person getting trashed by the seemingly underpowered individual is new. That pattern occurs almost every time in most shonen. The only reason the abnormals were hyped, or by that matter, any opposing force in any manga is hyped, is so our happy go lucky heroes can bring them down (eventually) and the win can be considerably dramatic. My only guess as to why people dislike this being done in Medaka Box is that it is happening a bit too close to the introduction of the abnormals, so the hype is lost. Nabeshima's win is viable, but probably a bit too soon.
It's nothing new, as I've said a few post earlier I like when underdogs wins with overpowered antagonists. The way how it was executed in MB is bad. Abnormals was introduced as superpowerful entities, a way above any human. For 4 chapters they are shown as something totally inhuman. And then suddenly Nabeshima appears, beats one of abnormals like it was nothing special, and walk away. It looked stupid. Almost everything in this manga happens without a reason and without any consequences.
MB is a very interesting manga when we look at all those tiny details, almost every panel have some information, hint etc. Initial plot was great (relationship between too perfect girl and normal boy - nothing new, but still interesting). A few interesting characters have been introduced, but character development is done terribly. And worst part - plot, or rather lack of plot. I know that for many shounen manga random fights works as plot, but for me it's just an proxy for plot. Read my earlier post about bad timing in this "plot" development.
I am free of all prejudices. I hate everyone equally.

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