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Old 2009-11-16, 01:37   Link #453
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Originally Posted by Firefly00 View Post
MakubeX2 and TigerII make a good point: having the Russians jump to conclusions like that strains the readers' ability to suspend disbelief. Surely it would have occured to folks that the 'clues' left behind might be a bit too convenient...
Ever hear of the term "propaganda"? The Soviets used it to a liberal extent to spread public misinformation and make self-justifications for their own offensive actions throughout the Cold War...Seeing as how the Russian Ultranationalists' ulterior motive is to return Russia to it's "glory days" of the USSR, and how in the timeline of Modern Warfare 2 they've taken control of the Russian government, I don't see what "suspension of disbelief" there is...It's totally believable if you look at any real-life totalitarian or communist regime, as they have complete control of the politics and media within the country, manipulating their influence on people and creating a truth out of a lie...Are not the Ultranationalists, with the control of the Russian government and with Makarov as their leader, doing just that?

It's not necessarily the audience's belief in the lie, but the in-game characters' belief in the "truth", and what exactly is trustworthy in a story line driven by distrust and betrayal?

Originally Posted by TigerII View Post
Also, technically Rook wasn't Australian SAS. He was former Australian SAS, like Soap, Price, and Ghost were former SAS. They all retired from their former services to join Task Force 141.
Task Force 141, like it's real-life counterparts of current Task Force 6-26/145/121, is a joint multinational group between the participating nations' special operations groups charged with executing a specific objective...In Modern Warfare 2's case, it's made up of various members from the 22nd SAS, Royal Marines SBS, 1st SFOD-D, SEALs, 75th Rangers, JTF2, USMC, and SASR, created to counter the international threat of Makarov, the Russian Ultranationalists, and their associates...

However, the real life Task Force units are temporary special forces striking forces, often morphing into new TFs as the operations see fit, or disbanding after the success of the larger general mission is achieved...They are composed of operators from multiple SOGs, but the task force in it of itself is only an ad-hoc SOG, not permanent to any effect...Soap and Price are still active (Short of what happens to them after their new war criminal allegations) SAS operatives operating within the Task Force group...

Operators from various groups like 1st SFOD-D, SEAL Team Six, and SAS return to their respective individual SOGs after their involvement with a current TF is complete or disbanded, yet are still individually representative of where they came from...Just like a Navy corpsman attached to a Marine Corps unit is still Navy and not Marine, or various SOGs involved in a joint USSOCOM operation still operate as their specific branches under a larger coordinated effort... short, there is no "former" with a Task Force, only being a former TF member...
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