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Old 2009-11-16, 16:22   Link #456
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Originally Posted by SoldierOfDarkness View Post
This is different though.

They are invading the eastern coasts which means they'd have to send a massive aerial force through Norway, Europe, England, Iceland and Greenland.

With the invasion of Pearl Harbour the Japanese were able to hide their fleet in the northern sea which is nothing but sea. And even then they weren't sending a land invasion either. With Operation Overlord the Allies could use England which wasn't really far away from the France and the Germans knew they were coming, just not when. With the Atlantic there are several countries in the way. I just don't see how you could pull it off without even any civilian craft not noticing.

I dunno, maybe I'm not a military buff to know this but I find it hard to swallow. I mean if they invaded the western coasts or Alaska then I could find that plausible.
I think the excuse for that one is that the European nations LET the Russians attack. As stated, the world thought the US had perpetuated the attack on the airport, so add to the fact no one really liked the US beforehand, now the US is attacking civilians in opposing nations cities, and the world may just 'ignore' the incoming Russians.

Plus, I never saw anything but paratrooper/helicopter troop soldiers. Are we sure it was a complete invasion attempt, or just a strike back? Remember, the Russian's goal was to kill 1000 Americans for every Russian killed. We never saw regular infantry or MBTs, just paratroopers and BRTs which can be para dropped in. Maybe it was a suicide mission, and no fleet ever sailed past.

If the world has decided not to help the Americans, than if the US does invade Russia they really only have two options. Invade Siberia from Alaska and the East coast, push all the way through Siberia and over the Urals, or invade from the Arctic Circle through Murmansk and Archangel.

MidnightViper88, my post was about if the US has no allies. If in the next game we see Britain, Canada, Australia, etc. remain neutral, then having their special forces members attacking Russia could drag them into the war. Besides, TF 141 is destroyed and the surviving members are fugitives. Unless the Americans are openly supported by the nation, if any more from such nations special forces joins with the Americans, they will have to resign from their unit.
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