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Old 2009-11-25, 05:31   Link #312
(。☉౪ ⊙。)
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In Maya world, where all is 3D and everything crashes
Age: 36
well at least I'm still neutral with her, talking to them surely helps

What is the best method of killing mabari hounds then?
I'm at Red Cliff castle and there's this damn group of 6 mabari hounds, I think.. could be 8
But I've died so many times trying to get them all down, somehow they all charge at the same target and bite it to death before moving to the next, the furthest I've got was down to 2 dogs left before dying
I could skip them, if not for something interesting lying near them in the form of a corpse

I choose a ranger as my first, A dalish ranger
It was quite some working out to pick what race and starters story I wanted X3 kyuuh
I don't think my character is all that bad but it takes so damn long before it uses a skill, like load arrow, aim, aim more and then finally fire

What I found weird is that I am at lvl 7 and can pick a specialty but I still can't cause it is still unavailable >.< I don't really get that.. must I finish Red Cliff first before being able to pick my specialty grr!
As long as I have people to tank then I am alright, I use Alistair and my hound for that and Morrigan for her spells and mindblast, I don't really use her shapeshifting skills I use her mage skills more since non of the other characters can do that (well non that I've met so far)
My rager is good for kitting though X3 run Meifeng run!
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