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Old 2009-12-10, 22:05   Link #12
Eternal Dreamer
Seeker of Truth and Lies
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: In your Dreams. And Nightmares
Originally Posted by Paladinoras View Post
Hmm, well, honestly, I've never done these kinds of things before, so whatever you need help with, I'll help. If Velyoukai can't cope with fixing all of the translations and need help doing some, then I will too, if not then maybe I should translate a part of the conversation too. It's really your call, Dreamer. And it's fine, no such thing as being too annoying.

Hahaha, well, basically, you click on the See-Wall-to-Wall comment and post back to my wall. If you commented on your own wall, I can't reply. Lol
Well, thanks for the tip about that. I'll try and make use of it in the future. (Probably.)

Anyway, just so you know, we're currently still working on fine-tuning the Introduction, so there might not be much you could do right now, since Velyoukai has pretty much finished correcting the Japanese-English translation. He'll be sending it to Mazryonh soon, who will be working on rewriting the translations so that they aren't as blunt and bland as they currently are. After that, it will be sent to Shadow, who will look it over and give it the go ahead if he thinks its good.

In any case, as you can see, I'm really at a loss here as to what you could currently do right now. (Sorry if I keep seeming uncertain and wishy-washy here; this is my first time working on a group project over the Internet and I just feel so unsure about everything on this project right now. However, I'm going to make an effort to put that behind me and get used to this.)

...Man, I must be really tired to have written such an emotional rant. Sorry about that. Anyway, for now, how about you give me your email? In order to work on this project, I'm going to need to contact you outside of this thread. Mine's Contact me as soon as possible so that I can give you everyone else's email as well. I'm going to need to properly introduce to the rest of the group in order to start things off.

(And now, I'm going to bed before my head falls on top of the keyboard. I'm NEVER staying up past eleven again without a good reason. I'm just not capable of staying up late without suffering severe effects the next night, like right n...~snore~)
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