Thread: Witchcraft
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Old 2009-12-12, 17:09   Link #21
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Originally Posted by Leo Keichi View Post
For me, witchcraft means using some material means in order to connect with the spiritual realm. So, by this definition, a Christian can be a witch as well, when they put an oil on their heads, or take the supper, for example.
The thing is even going by that definition, re-enactment isn't necessarily evoking. We enact the Last Supper as to not forget as is the words that accompany it
'take this and do this in memory of me'
- The closest thing to evoking if we had to would be through prayer, to meditate with, to spiritually strengthen ourselves with the Holy Spirit, otherwise as much as I can tell, unlike evoking the elements in Wicca practice, there is no summoning per se
- But it's definitely an interesting definition, haven't thought it that way before ^^
Originally Posted by cheyannew View Post
Ahhh, yes, the "witch" fad...
I HATED movies like "The Craft" (I used to call it "The Crap) when I was in school; it made life miserable for those of us actually practicing Wicca. I ran a small coven in high school, and it was right as the goth culture/wannabes were coming into play. Needless to say, we got a lot of them bothering us, wanting to "cast spells" with us and other such nonsense.
Stuff like that, and the plethora of "Wiccans" who honestly never did a lick of actual research other than picking up Buckland or Cabot's trash, are one of the reasons I stopped practicing Wicca to begin with. I'm sure Satanism will be the next fad to shock people, but that's fine. So long as they're not a total prat saying they're with the CoS I don't care what they do. No red card? Not worth my concern.
Not yet jaded by Hollywood, I actually loved that movie, given my interest in all things Wicca at the time. xD
I probably would have bothered practitioners, merely outta curiosity and to observe how its actually performed irl and ask tons of questions, rather than trying to get a spell outta ya.
As annoying as it may have been, regardless of materialistic and meaning reasons for others, if it suited you and you were serious about it, I personally don't see why you should have stopped to be honest.
It wasn't like the essence of Wicca itself was the one that was annoying you (just other human beings)

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