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Old 2009-12-23, 13:30   Link #931
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
I saw an article and said Code Geass R3 Nightmare of Nunnally; I am not sure if it was real of not but if so does this mean there going to use elements from the manga; like the Irregalars are a organization with geass users that have physical properties and for Nunnally war has started again by them, her nightmare. Also they had resurrected Lelouch's body for when he activates his geass a suit of armor appears and have him take over the world but his concious had returned from C's world and escaped from them and later on pilots a Knightmare frame thats a hybrid of the Gawain and Shinkirou, the Gawain Mirage (It will look like a knightmare frame version of Digimon's Alphamon, and having golden bird feathers for the energy wings, and has a hump for the cockpit).
It may take place in 2020-22 a.t.b. since in the manga Suzaku of the counterattack it ended in 2022 a.t.b. for it.
Hopefully they will have Lelouch with his harem, C.C., Kallen, Kagurya and maybe Milly, the Tianza, and Anya

Last edited by stardrago; 2009-12-23 at 23:24. Reason: more detail
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