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Old 2009-12-27, 14:13   Link #6679
Join Date: May 2009
Location: LV-426
Age: 37
Originally Posted by The Arab View Post
So I was at the Animethon in Edmonton this last summer, and they had a number of anime titles I havent been able to find, and one I cant even remember the name of. Thus I am here, and looking for help.

the one I dont know the name of:

Modern day anime where rich people get kidnapped. The main character comes from a rich family but doesnt know it, and his father teaches him kendo. He intervenes in the attempted kidnapping of a girl he later discovers is nobility of some kind, hillarity opens up from there.

The one I do remember the name of:

Gintaka (jin-taka)? maybe?

Its an effed up series about some aliens who pick up our broadcast signals and watch our anime, but determine them to be historical accounts. Astounded and confused how we can have medival, modern day, and futuristic societies all in one, they set their space time drive and head here, only to show up in medival Japan. Assuming they came after some horrible apocalypse, they decide to rebuild the place, only to get confused at the aforementioned societies all over again, and just mesh them together.

The first might be Princess Lover.

Comedy anime with the protagonist starting off being poor, knows Kendo and saves a girl of nobility in a crazy horse carriage/car chase.
Tsubasa Hanekawa of Bakemonogatari
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