Thread: Licensed Rosario+Vampire Manga
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Old 2009-12-30, 03:24   Link #12627
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Age: 38
Originally Posted by FriedRice84 View Post
Well, you have to remember that most of what Inner Moka does or says concerning her relationship with Tsukune is a always little ambiguous.

Although, the past few chapters have done a LOT of relationship development between the two and Inner's actions have gotten much less vague.

I'm kind of looking for something like Inner getting faint from anemia and Tsukune offers his blood. She'll probably blush and sheepishly drink from him. It puts Tsukune one giant step closer towards completely winning over Moka. However, this scenario I laid out seems more likely much later when the manga's about to end and where there's a definite final pairing.

I guess I might be asking for too much, too early
Well it might be possible that the author wants to establish a definite final paring now, but it's more likely that this arc's plot is simply used to develop the Tsukune X Moka romantic paring more, which as you have noticed FriedRice it has barely been mentioned in the story so far, while the rest of the girls right now have gotten far ahead then Moka in their romance development ... probably due to Inner Moka's limited appearance so if the author wanted to show progress in Tsukune's and Moka's relationship he had to

Spoiler for Chapter 26:
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