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Old 2009-12-31, 00:04   Link #3404
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Final silly question of the year

Why is it: 95% of the time i put on my earbuds without looking (which is most of the time), i always put the left earbud into my right ear (and it happened like hundreds of times already)? The two are the same and visually no different, except the "R" and "L" on them, so the chance should be 50-50 for this case, shouldn't it? Anyone got similar experience?

My three possible answers are:
- dejavu: so i always feel that it happened many more times that i actually is (when the actual ratio was close to 50-50)
- the earbud was specially designed: but shouldn't it be designed so the user would put the right earbud into right ear?
- divinity: the Universe or God designed things so, to prove that science and chance can't prove everything (it's silly through )
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