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Old 2009-12-31, 11:34   Link #118
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Age: 35
Actually the banshee thing is fine, what I'm pointing out was with the epic mount it shouldn't have been oh, u tame a beast and I can absolve all your sins. Plus this messiah figure in all actuality shouldn't just be a messiah, for the Na'vi to be somewhat complex having jake become a messiah type character was just an easy way to avoid real depth to the na'vi and to jake. The fact that a messiah is solely chosen by riding a mount that isn't perilous in anywhich way then attacking from the sky then thats pretty pathetic for someone to be considered a messiah.

Grace and jake don't actually have a lot of screen time, their relationship is barely developed and clearly the lack of development makes the scene so strange and awkward. There isn't that emotional connection, also bearded indian dude, why is he suddenly trustworthy? I guess because he's a scientist he suddenly is trust worthy, yet there is no signs that the other scientists are untrustworthy? It makes no sense when you look at it, many of the story telling elements where just to make the movie fit into a time frame that is really unrealistic if you want complex characters that are relatable.
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