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Old 2010-01-02, 00:19   Link #1
blinded by blood
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Oakland, CA
Age: 40
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The Great Big Touhou Thread

Considering the origin and influence of this title, I'm really, really surprised that the only Touhou threads out there are mostly concerning the doujin works based upon the series and not the actual games themselves!

So yeah. This is The Great Big Touhou Thread, in which we shall discuss... Touhou. Specifically, the danmaku games, not the derivative works.

I've been playing Touhou for a while, and I really, really, really suck at it, but for some reason I love it all the same.

I've managed to 1CC most of the Windows titles on Easy (hardly something to brag about, I know) but I'm currently determined to work my way through Subterranean Animism on Normal without using any continues. This is not working out too well. =|

want my 1cc plzkthx

So, post about Touhou (the games, not the ships or the artwork or the remixes or any of that stuff) in this here Great Big Touhou Thread.

And especially give me hints on how to not suck at Touhou >.>;

Currently I'm playing Touhou 11, as mentioned above. I have Undefined Fantastic Object but I'm not even going to install the damn thing until I can 1CC Subterranean Animism on Normal. Considering how I've been pretty much stuck with the same issues for months now (though I haven't been practicing much recently) I don't know how well this will work out...

I can't get past Stage 4; mostly because I still haven't mastered all of Parsee's spellcards on Stage 2 and sometimes lose a life unnecessarily there (though usually if I do that, I just start over). The real problem is Stage 3; I just die way too much in that stage. I really should run Stage 3 practice a bunch until I can get it to the point where I'm not dying constantly but I think my tiny display (whoo 8.9" LCD ftl) is hurting me here.

Biggest problem I have is that after an hour or so of playing, my eyes start to get the better of me and get all dry and burn. =| Then I really start dying like crazy, and it's time to pack up for the day.
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