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Old 2010-01-03, 15:23   Link #23
Join Date: Dec 2009
Went into the anime/vn around the same time, so..

Art - 6. Can't complain too much (ubiquitous QUALITY moments aside), because I loved most of the character adaptations.

Animation - 2. It's like they cut out as many action sequences as they could get away with, making the show mostly talking heads. Ronove/Jessica fight was a good example of this.

Pacing/Direction - 0. They rushed right into the murder sequences, cutting severely into a lot of character development that they tried to cram in later. They also cut all the comic relief, making the series seem overwhelmingly dark. The pacing is incredibly bumpy and uneven, missing a lot of the vital hints and plot points. They should have just done 2-3 arcs in the first season to make more room.

Voice Acting - 8. Moreso than the character designs, this is really what shines in the Umineko amine. Beatrice's VA is PAAFEKTO, and I think that all the voice actors managed to capture the essence of their characters very well, although the emotional content was lacking in some spots.

Overall - 4. Umineko had a lot of potential as an anime adaptation. I think that with the right people, it could possibly have become really popular. Studio DEEN are not the right people for anything other than concentrated suck. I wonder, does Japan have any good Lynchian-style directors? Because that could have singlehandedly made this series amazing. Hell, I'd settle for Cronenberg style.
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