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Old 2010-01-13, 12:02   Link #2102
Join Date: Jun 2009
Originally Posted by TeeHee View Post
Beatrice keeps her promises, remember? That's the only thing I'm sure about.

By that, I mean Battler (and Erika) discovered the gold AND publicly announced it before anything could happen.
True, but Beatrice usually makes her presence known around dinnertime of the first day. Granted, in Episode 4 it was 'Kinzo' who Maria claimed gave her an umbrella, but given the level of trust between Maria and Beatrice, this was probably still Beato's doing. Maria is pretty stubborn when it comes to protecting Beatrice, and honestly everyone questioned the story of Kinzo giving her the umbrella alot less.

But in this game, there was no letter, no umbrella, and nobody claimed they met Beatrice coming into the mansion or whatever. Beatrice had gone to ground even before the epitaph was solved. Did Erika's arrival have something to do with it? Like, for example, Beatrice didn't want an outsider caught up in her game, or maybe Erika simply intimidated her?

One thing I feel pretty confidant of is that Beatrice took part in forming whatever plan the family came up with regarding the faked deaths etc.

Since Krauss had the same fake blood scattered around his room as the rest, either he was part of the ploy too, or else it was meant to look like he was.

I suppose the first questions we need to answer are- who came up with the plan? Who knew about the plan and were going along with it? And are the planner and the killer the same person?
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