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Old 2010-01-17, 10:54   Link #478
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Originally Posted by Slick_rick View Post
Well this manga never billed itself as a harem. It was always a ecchi romance manga. The author certainly never tried to pass it off as a harem and I doubt it will turn into one as it seems that there are only two real competitors and even then it looks like in fact it might just come down to Yuki in the end.

I still don't see why this issue of it "needing" to be a seinen is still being whined about. This for the most part has done a great job dealing with things that might people face as a teenagers. It so far hasn't gone into explicit details into any of them. They're side issues so far. Not every girl you met is going to be some perfect saint and you're most likely not going to pop out the vagina as a Casanova who attracts girls with no effort at all or have life easy. So far the main characters problems are not anything outlandish. We all have females and job problems in high school and beyond!

While some might be turned off by this, the actual strength of the manga, in my opinion, relies on it. No manga will ever be able to please everyone nor should it try to. It carves out it on fanbase and appeals to them. This is certainly trying to be a lot more realistic than the normal shounen without the explicit details you'd expect in a seinen. I applaud her for doing it.
Well its the same as saying "I don't see the reason why comedy has to make people laugh. It should make them cry instead."

It is in a way original, but not all people like such 'original' surprises. When they come to see slapstick comedy they want the slapstick comedy, rather than noble prizes awarded drama or horror instead.

I think it has enough details to be counted as seinen.
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